After a successful blogging career with Mobinode, Gang then turned it into the first full-blown tech and startup online news site TechNode (yes, the one that you are reading now). Gang Lu also runs, the China version of TechCrunch, and is a fixture in startup journalism in China. We tap into his experience covering news and trends in China looking to better understand where the ecosystem has come from, where it is, and where it’s going.
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China Startup Pulse is a weekly podcast designed to give startup enthusiasts around the world a behind the scenes and on-the-ground understanding of what’s happening in China’s startup ecosystem. Founded and hosted by Ryan Shuken and Todd Embley, and produced by Qi Liu, China Startup Pulse is sponsored by Chinaccelerator, People Squared, and TechNode.
TechNode does not endorse any commentary made in the program.
Image credit: China Startup Pulse. From left to right: Gang Lu, Todd Embley, Ryan Shuken