Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer Voyah has opened its inaugural showroom in Copenhagen, Denmark, and commenced sales of its flagship multi-purpose vehicle, the Dreamer, Xinhua news agency reported on Monday that Voyah had initiated the delivery of its Free sports utility vehicle in Norway last December. Affiliated with Dongfeng Motor, a state-owned automaker and manufacturing partner of Honda in China, Voyah also marked the regional debut of its five-seater sedan, the Chasing Light (Zhuiguang in Chinese pinyin). The company plans to enter additional European markets, including Germany, France, and Italy. Voyah had previously obtained European Whole Vehicle Type Approval (EWVTA) for the Dreamer, a plug-in hybrid van with a driving range of 1,231 kilometers (765 miles) on a full charge and full tank, enabling volume export and license plate registration in all EU countries. [TechNode reporting, Xinhua, in Chinese]